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2022-09-26 11:53:05文/王馨晨




Today is National Day, sunny, I will spent seven days holiday.

Our family is going to Qingdao to spend the National Day, we set out very early, we went there with many tourists by bus, it took us about five hours to get there. When we arrived, we took a break. Then we visited the Yellow River. We took some photos, which will make us remember this National Day forever.




National Day holiday is coming, my parents and I are going to travel together, see places of interest, enjoy the great culture of the motherland. At the door of the shop, balloons and flags were hung, red, yellow and green, and everywhere was filled with a festive atmosphere. The mall was crowded, and many businesses launched a series of promotional activities. People mountain sea of people in the street, even by car to buy tickets also have to queue up a long line. Men and women, old and young, enjoy it, and people take advantage of this festival to come out to play. The parking lots, restaurants and shopping malls must be very impressive.

National Day is a happy day, people's living standards improve really fast.




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